Daniel Cornish is a Montana native, physician, and educator interested in exploring the cultural landscape through photography and writing. He currently practices medicine in St. Louis, MO, and leads the medical team for BioRegions International. Daniel continues to work in medical education through the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Montana WWAMI program. His work in education has been supported by several programs including a Fulbright grant.

Daniel received his medical doctorate from the University of Washington 2017 through the UW TRUST program which provided additional training and guidance developing a skill set and understanding to better meet rural communities' healthcare needs. During his medical training, he was recognized by the Gold Humanism Honor Society and received the George Saari Humanism Award for his commitment to professionalism and dedication to humanism in medicine. He subsequently trained in the UW Family Medicine Residency Program and further developed a clinical interest in emergency and hospital-based care. Afterward, he completed a Global Health Fellowship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

contact: cornish.daniel@gmail.com